
Hello, welcome to HippieGymRat.

On this blog, I’m going to write about all things good for you.  I’ve always been very interested and into eating healthy, eating clean, and being fun and creative with my food.  I also like to spend a lot of my time in the gym.  I enjoy lifting weights, running, circuit training, and yoga.  I decided to mesh the two worlds of food and fitness into one awesome blog.  I will be showcasing different recipes, fab food finds, kitchen experiments, challenging workouts, stretching techniques, and positive body image posts.

Of all the things I could be blogging about, I chose this as a topic because it’s a part of my everyday life.  Taking care of my body is of upmost importance to me.  By blogging about it, I can hold myself accountable to try new things, reflect on how they make me feel, and learn, while simultaneously taking you along for the ride.

My mother is the biggest health nut in the entire world.  Being healthy is part of my blood. So, I have a close relationship with being in tune with and treating my body well.  I can remember being a little girl and refusing to eat public school lunch. I even cried about it at times.  My mom would come to the school and deliver me bee pollen, alfalfa sprouts, and granola bars. We were never conventional but we were always well.

Through this blog, I hope to connect with a plethora of other people.  Alike and different.  I feel I have just as much to learn from you, as you do from me.  At the very base of these posts, I hope to inspire you to take care of yourself, try something new in the kitchen and in the gym, and feel great…inside and out!



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